Thursday, June 20, 2013

Still alive, it seems!

Damn, totally forgot this blog was still active - honestly thought I had deleted it.

Oh well, here is something just to keep it alive, one of my personal favorite songs... you know, 'cause I'm that creative.

(Now really, this song is just fecking brilliant, kind of almost makes me cream my undies).

(But just kind of, not really! I'm not really that much of a perv.)

(OK, but just to get things straight, I'm not a prude either!)

Oh fuck it all, I suck at this!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Probably chasing pavements...

I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over. If I'm wrong I am right, don't need to look no further... This ain't lust, I know this is love.
But if I tell the world, I'll never say enough 'cause it was not said to you, and that's exactly what I need to do if I'd end up with you.
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere?

Or would it be a waste, even if I knew my place, should I leave it there?
I build myself up and fly around in circles; wait then as my heart drops and my back begins to tingle... finally could this be it?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements... even if it leads nowhere?



Monday, April 25, 2011


Há momentos que exigem respeito.
Há pedaços da história que merecem a nossa memória e reverência.
E há, acima de tudo, partes de nós que são partes da história; partes do que se passou e que fazem parte do que somos e do que seremos.
A história dos capitães é um pedaço de nós, que mesmo com FMI e Sócrates e BPN e Freeport e Coelhos a passos e Cavacas amargas; perdura perene sobre nós e dentro do que somos, para nos lembrar que a coragem e a força não são meras palavras.

Quis saber quem sou
O que faço aqui
Quem me abandonou
De quem me esqueci
Perguntei por mim
Quis saber de nós
Mas o mar
Não me traz
Tua voz.

Em silêncio, amor
Em tristeza e fim
Eu te sinto, em flor
Eu te sofro, em mim
Eu te lembro, assim
Partir é morrer
Como amar
É ganhar
E perder

Tu vieste em flor
Eu te desfolhei
Tu te deste em amor
Eu nada te dei
Em teu corpo, amor
Eu adormeci
Morri nele
E ao morrer

E depois do amor
E depois de nós
O dizer adeus
O ficarmos sós
Teu lugar a mais
Tua ausência em mim
Tua paz
Que perdi
Minha dor que aprendi
De novo vieste em flor
Te desfolhei...

E depois do amor
E depois de nós
O adeus
O ficarmos sós

Monday, April 18, 2011

Das coisas como elas são.

Parece-me que moro num relógio que não pára e onde os ponteiros me empurram a cada tiq-taq para um turbilhão de coisas que exigem, exigem, exigem... quando o que eu quero é apenas parar.

Não, não quero lutar contra a maré ou contra os ponteiros; além de inútil é um exercício vão, quando eu sei que o que me espera é o esperançoso desconhecido.
Apenas quero fazer uma pausa.

Uns segundos, umas horas.
Dias ou momentos.

Só respirar e... sentir.
Sentir o sol a queimar a pele e o sal do mar.
Sentir a maresia e o luar cálido filtrados no cabelo.
Sentir o riso!
Sentir a pele na pele, sentir o pulsar dos instantes como que tesouros e pular e dançar até não aguentar mais.
Sentir as preocupações lá longe e sentir-ME de novo, livre de agendas e horários e de planos.

Sentir que não vou deixar de viver o que me faz feliz, só porque o relógio me persegue; só porque a vida tem volta e reviravoltas que me cansam a lógica.

Porque afinal o que importa, o que realmente importa, é viver o que nos faz feliz ao máximo sem noções de tempo ou finalidades.

I know you know
we're all falling into a deep oblivion

I know you know
we're all falling into a neverending mess

So we have to take care, take care
and share it, share it, share it... together

So let's get undressed
We need to feel it

Please let's get undressed
We need to live it

And sing: fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me...
You make me come again
You make me come again

I know you know
we're all falling into a deep oblivion

I know you know
we're all falling into a neverending mess

So we have to take care, take care
and share it, share it, share it... together

So let's get undressed
We need to feel it

Please let's get undressed
We need to live it

And sing: love me, love me, love me, love me...
You make me love again
You make me love again


Sabes muito chefe....


Aos desgostos, sempre com um sorrisinho...


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Falling Slowly

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You'll make it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice

You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing it loud


A vida às vezes tem um sentido de oportunidade realmente irónico...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Um longo dia...

Hoje preciso de colo. De um cantinho esquecido do mundo onde eu me possa enroscar e simplesmente encostar a cabeça e esquecer o longo dia que passou e me deixou assim, pequenina.

I just want someone to fill my half empty cup. My peaches and cream.

Well there's far too many questions to ask,
To answer any of them tonight.
For I wear too many masks,
Too tell if any of them are wrong or right.
And confusion casts a shadow up on me,
Like a great big cloud in the sky.
And now I pray for rain,
Cause it's been so long since i let myself cry.

For so long I've sang this sad ol' song,
And it feels like my time is up.
For she came and landed in my arms,
And she filled my half empty cup.
Yes she filled my half empty cup.

There you are right in front of me,
A brand new day sunrise over sea.
No longer my cup half empty cause there you are,
You and your mum in front of me, in front of me.

And now I look up above me,
And I thank that great ol' God in the sky.
For tellin' me my cup ain't half empty,
It took my little girl to show me why.

for so long i sing this sight ful song
and it feels like my time is up
for she came and landed in my arms
and she filled my half emty cup
yes she filled my half emty cup

there you are right in front of me
a brand new day
sunrise over sea
no longer my cup half emty
cause there you are
you and your mum in frount of me

You're peaches and cream to me.
You both are peaches and cream to me.
you and your mum in front of me
peaches and cream

All I know is all I unknow..

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ao Boss, só porque sim.

 Há malta que tem a mania de não ver os dois lados da moeda, e que tomam o não como tão garantido que não arriscam o sim.... ;)

Este é para ti Boss, só para que vejas que mesmo na onda emo depressiva que tanto tu como eu gostamos, encontras pérolas de letras como esta.... simplesmente mágica.

Time is never time at all
You can never ever leave, without leaving a piece of youth
And our lives are forever changed
We will never be the same
The more you change the less you feel

Believe, believe in me, believe, believe!
That life can change, that you're not stuck in vain
We’re not the same, we're different.
Tonight, tonight, tonight
So bright
Tonight, tonight

And you know you're never sure
But you're sure you could be right
If you held yourself up to the light
And the embers never fade, in your city by the lake
The place where you were born

Believe, believe in me, believe, believe!
In the resolute urgency of now
And if you believe there's not a chance tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight
So bright tonight, tonight!

We’ll crucify the insincere tonight (Tonight)
We’ll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight (Tonight)
We’ll find a way to offer up the night (Tonight)
The indescribable moments of your life (Tonight)
The impossible is possible tonight (Tonight)
Believe in me as I believe in you,
Tonight, tonight, tonight,


Cigarros e Leite com Chocolate

cigarettes and chocolate milk
these are just a couple of my cravings
everything it seems i like's a little bit stronger
a little bit thicker
a little bit harmful for me

if i should buy jellybeans
have to eat them all in just one sitting
everything it seems i like's a little bit sweeter
a little bit fatter
a little bit harmful for me

and then there's those other things
which for several reasons we won't mention
everything about them is a little bit stranger
a little bit harder
a little bit deadly

it isn't very smart
tends to make one part so broken-hearted

sitting here remembering me
always been a shoe made for the city
go ahead, accuse me of just singing about places
with scrappy boys faces
have general run of the town
playing with prodigal songs
takes a lot of sentimental valiums
can't expect the world to be your raggedy andy
while running on empty
you little old doll with a frown

you got to keep in the game
maintaining mystique while facing forward
i suggest a reading of 'a lesson in tightropes'
or 'surfing your high hopes' or 'adios kansas'

it isn't very smart
tends to make one part so broken-hearted

still there's not a show on my back
holes or a friendly intervention
i'm just a little bit heiress, a little bit irish
a little bit tower of pisa whenever i see you
so please be kind if i'm a mess
cigarettes and chocolate milk

 (...*suspiro demorado*...)

"Vai dormir xoné!" -- Se calhar é melhor ouvir a voz da minha consciência e deixar-me destas navegações na mayonese. Um dia.... um dia destes remexo no que me vai cá dentro, mas ao contrário da Nicola, hoje não é o dia.

E sim, fico-me pelos cigarros e leite com chocolate, e faço minhas as palavras do Rufus:
Please be kind if I'm a mess...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A fancy big house

Some kids and a horse

I can not quite, but nearly

Guarantee, a divorce

I think that I love you

I think that I do

So go on mister, make Miss me Mrs you.

I love you, I love you, I love you, I do

I only make jokes to distract myself

From the truth, from the truth.

A Fancy fast car

A bag full of loot

I can nearly guarantee

You'll end up with the boot

I love you, I love you, I love you , I do

I only make jokes to distract myself

From the truth, from the truth.

I love you, I love you, I love you , I do

I only make jokes to distract myself

From the truth, from the truth.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Há músicas assim. Transportam-nos para um espaço e tempo perenes, para um algures flutuante onde tudo é possível, mesmo quando nos deparamos connosco próprios e o que somos. Músicas que são como mãos invísiveis que nos entram pelo peito adentro, e mexem no que cá temos; torcem e expõe o que cá vai. Esta é uma delas.

Épico de vertigem interior, ao melhor estilo de grito submisso subitamente liberto.

Dá vontade de gritar pela resistência até ao fim.

Is our secret safe tonight

and are we out of sight

Or will our world come tumbling down?

Will they find our hiding place

is this our last embrace

or will the walls start caving in?

It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right

It could be wrong, could be wrong, to let our hearts ignite

It could be wrong, could be wrong, are we digging a hole?

It could be wrong, could be wrong, this is out of control

It could be wrong, could be wrong, it can never last

It could be wrong, could be wrong, must erase it fast

It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right

It could be wrong could be....

Love is our resistance

They'll keep us apart and they wont to stop breaking us down

Hold me

our lips must always be sealed

If we live a life in fear

I'll wait a thousand years

just to see you smile again

Kill your prayers for love and peace

You'll wake the thought police

we can't hide the truth inside

It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right

It could be wrong, could be wrong, to let our hearts ignite

It could be wrong, could be wrong, are we digging a hole?

It could be wrong, could be wrong, this is out of control

It could be wrong, could be wrong, it can never last

It could be wrong, could be wrong, must erase it fast

It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right

It could be wrong could be....

Love is our resistance

They'll keep us apart and they wont to stop breaking us down

Hold me

our lips must always be sealed

The night has reached it's end

We can't pretend

We must run

We must run

Its time to run

Take us away from here

Protect us from further harm


Monday, December 20, 2010

Take me out tonight

There is a light that never goes out...

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's hot in here...

Uma noite abafada e húmida, num bar perdido no dirty south perto de Tennesse; um daqueles bares onde a humidade escorre das paredes e no tecto gira um ventilador que nada faz para afastar o cheiro já entranhado de cigarros e suor. Um shot de whisky; o alcool a queimar a garganta num fôlego só. Ao canto, um velho noctívago dedilha a gasta guitarra num blues lento e cadente, que faz o corpo reagir pelo balanço instintivo das linhas graves que soam do baixo que o acompanha. O bar é escuro, mas dá para para perceber que são poucas as almas que ali estão, penando naquela música os infortúnios das suas vidas. De repente, um corpo acompanha o outro. Mãos sujas de óleo e pó ao de leve pousam no swing da anca e juntos tomam a música. A voz rouca soa pelo bar, e juntos perdem-se na espiral de soul que ela entoa...  

Yours' a solid sender, babe

Baby, you send my soul

Yours' a solid sender, babe

Baby, you send my soul

I lay my hands on your body, baby

You chill me, your chill me through and through

You don't wear no fine clothes, baby

And you don't, you don't, you don't look...

You don't wear no lipstick and powder, baby

When you send my soul on fire

Yours' a natural born sender, baby

Yours' a natural born sender, baby

You, sender, i declare you a ntural born sender, baby

You send my soul, send my soul

Plead me?

Give away?...


Your's a natural born sender, baby


Sender babe

Cara de Metro

Há coisas que decididamente são mais fortes que nós, e completamente involuntárias: tal como a dança do xixi, ou aquela vontade incontrolável de rir quando sabemos que não podemos de forma alguma fazê-lo. Ora bem, outra coisa que nos é completamente impossível de controlar quando viajamos sozinhos no metropolitano é a Cara de Metro.

Por muito bem dispostos que estejamos (e até podemos ter acordado a sentir-nos fantásticamente bem), entra-se no metro e ao 2º ou 3º segundo de viagem com o chiar dos carris lá fora e o reflexo dos passageiros a bater no vidro que dá para as paredes de betão, já estamos nós invariavelmente com cara de metro.

E esta é uma cara muito específica, atenção! Não a confundam com má disposição, tristeza ou até mesmo apatia; não, esta é uma cara que se alonga, onde os olhos ficam dispersos, prendendo-se a pormenores indignificantes (quantas vezes não damos por nós a olhar fixamente para a publicidade do metro, não a lê-la!, mas a ver que está completamente torta?).

E o mal é geral: se fizerem o exercício de percorrer as faces dos outros passageiros, todos de certo terão cara de metro - à excepção, claro, dos que viajam acompanhados. Todavia o curioso é que, mal saindo do metro, a cara sofre de novo a metamorfose ao normal: sorrimos, se estivermos bem e felizes; ficamos de semblante pesado se o dia não estiver a correr assim tão bem. Mas durante aqueles minutos de viagem é como se tivéssemos entrado num vortex à Stargate, um universo paralelo que percorre os túneis subterrâneos do metro, onde ficamos todos em estado semi-vegetativo.